Changing the irons

I have a collection of phrases I tend to use. I can never remember them all, funnily enough, and some might stay unused for weeks. I haven’t yet been accused of reducing life to cliches, but it’ll happen one day, I guess. But the phrase I particularly want to reference today is “I have too many irons in the fire”.

For those roughly my age and younger, this elderly phrase dates from before electric irons were a thing. Instead, ironing clothes required a heavy piece of iron with a handle that was heated on the (wood-burning) stove. The phrase itself, though, means that I have too many half-finished projects on the go. Which has always been true for me.

But it’s coming up to November (again) and that meant NaNoWriMo (again). And for various complicated reasons, I want to try to do this (again). I’ve never managed to finish fifty thousand words and it’s been several years since I tried. So I’ve decided to throw my hat in the ring again and charge at it.

So I have to re-arrange which irons of mine are warming in the fire. Some will just have to get cold for a month.


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Filed under NaNoWriMo, writing

One response to “Changing the irons

  1. rushgordenn

    Try altering the words to modern times.

    I got too many fingers in too many pies might still be understood.

    Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, diversify.

    The more things I work on, the less free time I have to work on other things.

    The best solution to these problems is to just make a task list with priorities. After all if you had a task of eating an elephant, you’d have to do it one bite at a time.

    Good luck in your writing, you seem to have a nice wordpress blog.

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